Bouaké – Built to Care

NMSI biomedical teams participate in equipment installation at Bouaké Regional Hospital

Installation of equipment is well underway across Bouaké Regional Hospital, with the Biomedical team onsite heavily involved. Salim Awde, Equipment Support Services Manager, “specifically advised the team to be involved in every installation, especially the medical imaging equipment”. An excellent opportunity for all involved, Salim noted G.E. HealthCare’s exceptional willingness and enthusiasm for the NMSI … Continued

World Environment Day

As part of NMSI’s activities to mark World Environment Day on the Côte d’Ivoire Hospitals Programme, important contributions were made towards Target 12.4 of Sustainable Development Goal 12. SDG 12 ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’, aims to “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”. Within SDG 12, Target 12.4 aims to “achieve the environmentally sound management of … Continued

Bouaké Regional Hospital Ready for Completion in Côte d’Ivoire

Construction of the 180-bed Bouaké Regional Hospital is complete with final finishing works, installation of equipment, commissioning and training underway. Located in Bouaké, it is located in the central part of Cote d’Ivoire, about 50 kilometres northeast of Lake Kossou, the country’s largest lake. The hospital brings modern healthcare facilities with state of the art … Continued

World Health & Safety Day

In 2003, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) began observing “World Day for Health and Safety at Work” to emphasise the prevention of accidents and diseases in the workplace, capitalising on the ILO’s traditional strength of tripartism and social dialogue. This year’s theme for the day was ‘a safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental … Continued

Bouaké and Katiola Community Water Provision

The Bouaké and Katiola Regional Hospital sites are making important contributions to Target 6.1 of sustainable Development Goal 6. SDG 6 is ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’, aiming to “Ensure access to water and sanitation for all”. Within SDG 6, Target 6.1 aims to “By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking … Continued